Peer Support and Learning

Workshops and peer support groups to help disabled people and carers increase their knowledge, skills, confidence and resilience.

LCiL Champions April 2024

Peer Support and Learning

What we do

Welcome to Peer Support and Learning! We facilitate peer support groups and information sessions to assist disabled people, older people, those with long-term health conditions, and their carers in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The groups strengthen knowledge, skills and confidence in all aspects of Self-Directed Support (SDS) and available social care options.

Our group and information sessions empower and support people, encouraging connection and community through shared experiences, which help reduce isolation. They offer a safe space to share thoughts and experiences of SDS and ask questions.
The sessions are welcoming, relaxed and informal. Bringing people together to discuss the aspects of SDS that matter to them.

Feedback from participants

Social isolation is very difficult, especially in the winter months and not seeing family, the peer support groups have been a god send.”

The group is user-led. A lot of places say that they are; it’s easier to say and harder to practice. The peer support group gets it spot on.”

Group and Information Sessions

For all upcoming events, please check our calendar or contact us for further information.

For further information or to join our events, please contact us on 0131 475 2350 or email:

For information about accessibility at our sessions, see our accessibility page here

Our team

  • Service Manager: Peer Support and Learning – Julie Murray
  • Interim Service Manager: Peer Support and Learning – Kirsty Sangster
  • Peer Support and Learning Facilitator – Omar Haq
  • Peer Support and Learning Facilitator – Daisy Moorcroft
  • Peer Support and Learning Facilitator – Alexandra McKenzie

Contact us

We’re here and happy to help!

Please contact us on 0131 475 2350, Monday to Friday from 9am – 4pm. You can leave a voicemail message outwith these hours or email:

LCiL are grateful for the support of the Support in the Right Direction funding from Scottish Government / Inspiring Scotland – the main funders of this service.

Support in the Right Direction (SiRD) logo

Scottish Government Logo

Inspiring Scotland Logo

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