LCiL Champions
LCiL Champions are available to share their lived experience at conferences, events or training programmes, or to become members of working groups or committees, mainly across Edinburgh and the Lothians.
You can find out more about the Champions by watching this short documentary about the journey of the first cohort of Champions:
Who are the LCiL Champions?
They are disabled people, people with long-term conditions or carers who are involved with LCiL and its services in a variety of ways.
They are volunteers who are trained, equipped and supported to carry out their role – our team of Champions meet together regularly as a peer support group.
What do they do?
By sharing their lived experience of independent living, self-directed support, LCiL and its services, disability rights and the social model of disability, Champions can:
- raise awareness and understanding
- act as role models
- work as co-production partners.
They can help:
- test new ideas
- create new policies
- design new or
- improved services.
We will match you with the right Champion – they have a variety of experiences and will tailor their input to your needs.
We have funding to cover expenses for a Champion to come to your meeting or event.
We are currently not taking applications for Champions. This page will be updated as soon as we begin the recruitment process once again with the new submission deadline.