Payroll Service

Wages processing and administration if you employ your own Personal Assistants (PAs). Enhanced support is also available.

person completing a paper timesheet

Payroll Service

What we do

LCiL provide an excellent payroll service and wages administration for disabled people who employ their own Personal Assistants (PAs).

Do I need a payroll service?

If you are a disabled person employing your own Personal Assistants (PAs) we can help you with the processing of their wages and related administration such as dealing with the PA timesheets, tax, national insurance and many other related administration issues.

If you employ your own PAs it is your responsibility to ensure that the correct amount of tax and national insurance is deducted from each of your employee’s wages.

LCiL’s payroll service can do this and a whole lot more for you.

How does it work?

You will be given a timetable of when to send in a timesheet detailing the number of hours worked by each of your PAs. You will need to send in any supporting information required but don’t worry we will let you know what that is.

For each of your employees, LCiL will:

  • Calculate the total pay
  • Deduct the correct amount of tax and national insurance
  • Calculate any sick pay, maternity pay, or other statutory payments where required
  • Process any wages arrestments, student loans, stakeholder pension contributions

LCiL will then send back to you:

  • A payslip for each employee
  • Payment summary sheets detailing all payments and deductions made
  • An information sheet advising you of the total payments due to HMRC and LCiL for this processing

What does it cost?

  • A fee is paid for each processing period – full details of this can be provided.

How do I get started?

  1. One of our expert Payroll team will be delighted to help, please call: 0131 475 2350 or email:
  2. Our Independent Living Team will help you set up your payroll. They will arrange contact with you to talk through in detail what you need to do.
  3. You will need to be registered with HMRC as an employer and with a pension provider, but LCiL can do this for you. We will supply you with a pack which has everything you need to know about Payroll.

Read on to find out more about additional support and advice.

Our team

  • Service Manager: SDS Financial Support Services – Heather Colville
  • Payroll Officer – Linda Hiddleston
  • Payroll Officer – Dianne McKeown
  • Payroll Officer – Sarah Burchett
  • Payroll Officer -Rose Alata
  • Payroll Officer – Anitha Tumati
  • FMS Administrator – Alice Hall

Contact us

We’re here and happy to help!

Please contact us on 0131 475 2350, Monday to Friday from 9am – 4pm. You can leave a voicemail message outwith these hours or email:

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