Unfortunately we are not currently recruiting for volunteer Champions.

However, if you are interested in future opportunities please get in touch: sds@lothiancil.org.uk

What does the role of LCiL Champion entail?  

Would you like to learn new skills, do new things and meet new people?

Would you like to influence policy and practice and make sure that the voice of disabled people is heard?

LCiL Champions are volunteers who share their lived experience at conferences, events or training programmes, or become members of working groups of committees. Champions are disabled people, people living with long-term conditions and parent carers who are involved with LCiL.

We will provide new Champions with training and support – our team of Champions also meets together regularly as a peer support group.

Do you have experience in:

  • Assessments and support planning?
  • Directing your support package, or your child’s support?
  • Being a PA employer?

If the answer is yes, this volunteer role might be for you!

Questions and Answers

Below are some of the most common questions regarding this Champion volunteering role. Please see the Role Description below for the full Q&A

What does this volunteer role involve?

What sort of skills and interests do I need?

What support will I get in this role?

How to Apply

We are currently not taking applications for Champions. This page will be updated as soon as we begin the recruitment process once again with the new submission deadline.

You can call us on 0131 475 2350, or email SDS@lothiancil.org.uk


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