Payroll can provide a Financial Management Service for those who require help managing their Self-Directed Support Budget.
This service works closely with our Independent Living Team to help you plan and budget for Direct Payments (DPs), make payments for chosen support you choose to purchase with your DP, including administer other funds you received to pay for care and support (e.g. a direct care provider, an agency or personal assistants).
The service can be tailored to suit individual’s circumstances and enables people with less capacity to access and benefit from a flexible support without struggling over how they manage this.
Here a service user speaks about her experience of using the service:
The FMS came in the nick of time for me. It takes from me most of the paperwork and the burden of dealing with HMRC (formerly Inland Revenue), and gives me the confidence that I can continue to employ direct staff whom I have personally selected, to give me the degree of help I think I need, at times to suit me. Without it, I would probably have to fall back on agency staff, with little control over who comes or when they come, or what they are prepared to do when they come. It is not an exaggeration to say that the FMS has helped to preserve my quality of life!
Service user