Disability Advice and Information Service
What we do
Our Disability Advice and Information Service provides welfare benefits advice, with much focus on disability-related benefits, as well as information on a variety of disability-related topics.
We provide accessible advice, information, and support to disabled people with Universal Credit, including with the managed migration process for all means-tested benefits.
We deliver information sessions to help disabled people maximise their income and to understand what other support they can access.
We support disabled people experiencing the impact of the rise in day-to-day costs through our Cost-of-Living Support Service. Through this project, we offer welfare benefits advice and support, and deliver information workshops to help improve disabled people’s financial wellbeing and stability.
Our Disability Information Officers:
• Empower disabled people to understand and access their rights and welfare benefit entitlements.
• Undertake full benefit checks to assess an individual’s eligibility, provide full support with completing benefit applications and any follow-up support an individual requires.
• Provide support with benefit reviews and reconsiderations.
• Support disabled people to maximise their household income as much as possible.
• Provide information resources about benefits and other disability-related topics.
How to get support from the Disability Advice and Information Service
Disabled people living in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian or West Lothian, can contact us directly or can be referred by another organisation or agency.
Our service works in partnership and collaborates with other specialist services to be able to provide bespoke and specialist support to disabled people. As well as working closely with other LCiL services and can refer onto our Independent Living Service or Peer Support and Learning team.
Our team
• Service Manager: Advice and Information Services – Ben Peter
• Disability Information Officer – Andy Groves
• Disability Information Officer – Cameron Brohier-Wood
• Disability Information Officer – Harriet Hart
• Disability Information Officer –Christèle Geuffroy
Contact us
We’re here and happy to help!
Please contact us on 0131 475 2350, Monday to Friday from 9am – 4pm. You can leave a voicemail message outwith these hours or email: DAIS@lothiancil.org.uk
Useful information
- How we Provide Support
- Please refer to our resource library to see the range of factsheets and information we offer and let us know if you need the information in a different format. (Contact details above)
- LCiL works in partnership with the NHS to deliver a specialist project on self management for people with long-term conditions.
- From our office we can provide individuals with RADAR keys of the standard fee of £5 or £5.50 (inc. P&P). Get in touch via phone or email for more information.
LCiL is grateful to the support of The City of Edinburgh Council and The Robertson Trust – the main funders of this service.