Published: November 1, 2024

December Timesheet Deadlines

Christmas timesheet deadlines 2024 Due to December being Christmas and LCiL closing between Christmas and New Year, it is important that all timesheets are sent by the due date –…

Published: December 5, 2022

Payroll Update: Holiday Pay

As you may know employers are obliged to make changes to the way in which they calculate annual leave. As this has been enforced by law to start immediately, (part way through a financial year), this has presented challenges with respect to incorporating holiday already taken during the year (including outstanding leave from previous years) and what remains this side of the end of March (or to the end of your holiday year).

Published: December 5, 2022

Payrolls during the Christmas period

With the festive period just round the corner, our Christmas payroll fliers are on their way out to our payroll service users. To help us guarantee your payroll will be processed on time during the Christmas rush please remember to submit timesheets (along with other relevant paperwork required at the time) to the Payroll Team by the deadline dates showing on your Christmas flier and payroll run schedule.

Published: May 24, 2022

Payroll Service Emails

At present we are noticing a trend of emails sent by the Payroll Team ( to our Service Users arriving in their ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folders rather than their primary inbox, especially emails which contain attachments. Our Payroll Administrator and external IT service provider are working together to ensure that everything possible is in place to reduce the chance of this happening. We have been advised that the issue is likely to lie with the recipient’s email ‘spam’ filters identifying the email address or attachment type as ‘spam’.

Published: May 23, 2022

PA Uplift – Further Update

Alerting all City of Edinburgh (CEC) Direct Payment recipients – a further update to Personal Assistant (PA) rates with effect from 1st April 2022 has recently been announced.

Published: May 12, 2022

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2022

We are aware that some Service Users are receiving letters from the Office of National Statistics regarding filling out an Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2022. These letters are referring to your employees and unless you are part of our Financial Management Service, this is something that LCiL cannot complete for you.

Published: January 11, 2022

Urgent message for all service users

Unfortunately, our payroll team are having some technical issues with the payroll inbox. If you are receiving an error message saying the inbox is full when submitting your timesheets, please…

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