We recently compiled full responses to the Scottish Governments consultation on the Self-Directed Support (SDS) regulations
They can be read in full on the consultation responses of our E-Library.
Now the government has provided it’s own analysis of all the consultation responses which you can read in full here.
LCiL are working in partnership with CCPS (Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland) on a user friendly version of the regulations. These will be published around the time the SDS Act comes into force in April next year. The regulations are an important part of putting SDS into practice and will outline how various workers need to work with the new legislation.
This is primarily about offering people receiving support and care, choice and control and will ensure individuals are offered the 4 options, which include:
- a direct payment
- the responsibility for financial management of the budget stays with the local authority, but the individual chooses what services it is spent on
- the local authority decides what services the individual receives
- a combination of options 1, 2 and 3
To find out more about SDS and how LCiL can support you with all aspects of it please check out our SDS Questions and Resources page