Personal Independence Payment report

Published: September 16, 2014

Last month Grapevine, LCiL’s information and advice service, jointly hosted a consultation event with Inclusion Scotland to hear what people’s experiences have been Glapevine Information Serviceof claiming the replacement disability benefit Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

PIP started to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as the main disability benefit in April 2013, and since then Grapevine have been assisting disabled people and people with long-term conditions claim the benefit.

The introduction of it has been fraught with long delays for people to get their face to face assessments in order to determine what they may be entitled to.

Some have had better experiences of the new system.  This report: Final Draft Inclusion Scotland LCIL Evidence – PIP Assessment Review summaries the key points made at the consultation event and uses experiences and quotes from those who have been directly affected.

The report has now gone back to the Independent Review which Paul Gray, Chair of the Social Security Committee in the Westminter Parliament is overseeing.  He is due to report back to the UK Parliament at the end of the year on key findings. You can read the report in full here on our E-library

We will watch this space in terms of developments and keep you informed of this.

If you live in Edinburgh, Midlothian or East Lothian and require information and advice on Personal Independence Payment, including how to claim, support with making a claim and other benefits you may be entitled to please get in touch with Grapevine on 0131 475 2370 or email:  You can also use our online enquiry form here.

You can also check out the latest information and factsheets about PIP on the Grapevine section of the E-library here

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