Your Rights, Your Future survey 2016: Where are we now?

Published: August 26, 2016

Your rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability

In 2014 and 2015 disabled people told us what they thought the most important issues were in Scotland and why those things needed improved.

We would like to know if your experiences of getting your rights have improved, got worse, or stayed the same, since then.

The United Nations (UN) Disability Committee in Geneva has invited disabled people and our organisations to write a report by December this year

Please answer the questions in the below survey and give us your answers by Tuesday, 12th September.

Easy read survey Your Rights Your Future WAWN

You can post your response to us:

Sue Kelly
Mansfield Traquair Centre
15 Mansfield Place

We will write your answers in our report to the United Nations in December.

The report will be about how the UK and Scottish governments are delivering the rights of Disabled People which are written in the United Nations Convention.

Our report will ask the United Nations committee to make recommendations to the UK and Scottish Governments.

They will be based on the views we have gathered from disabled people in Scotland.

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