Celebrating 30 Years of LCiL

In 2021 LCiL is proud to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Founded originally in 1991, LCiL has over the last thirty years thrived into a leading champion of the Independent Living Movement in Scotland.

To celebrate this anniversary we are reflecting back on the last thirty years of our history and work. In the booklet below you will find a look back at how LCiL was originally founded, some of the challenges we have faced over the years, and a look to the future of what the next thirty years may bring.

Thank you to all our staff, volunteers and supporters over the years who have helped LCiL grow into what it is today – we couldn’t have done it without you!

LCiL Anniversary Booklet (pdf)
LCiL Anniversary Booklet (word)

A Retrospective History

Former CEO of LCiL, Florence Garabedian, has shared her experience and reflections on the history of LCiL which can be downloaded via the link below. This retrospective charts the origins and challenges LCiL has faced over the last thirty years and should provide a fascinating insight to anyone interested in the development of the Independent Living Movement and Self-Directed Support in Edinburgh.

LCiL Brief Historical Retrospective (word)


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