Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living’s Self Management Support Service has received some additional new funding. Through the award of two grants from the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, we are now able to continue providing self-management support to people living with long-term health conditions in Edinburgh and also extend this valuable service to people in Midlothian.
This is very exciting news for us and we are already busy making sure we tap into our existing contacts in Midlothian to learn what’s best to complement all the existing work that is already being carried out by other 3rd sector organisations there. We also have plans to tap into other services to ensure we can use that knowledge to the best effect and support people to access those services easily.
It’s a great learning opportunity for us but thanks to all the close collaboration we have had with the EDHSCP Long Term Conditions Team over the last two years we are in a strong position to make a real difference.
We have already succeeded in promoting this unique SMS service across the city of Edinburgh and now have our own dedicated data sharing agreement in place which allows us to receive referrals via email from health practitioners. Details of that email are ci.loth.smw@nhs.scot
Our aims are simple and we believe wholeheartedly that by working collaboratively with individuals and recognising that people are the experts in their own lives we can empower people living with long-term health conditions to make more informed choices and enjoy far better days.
For more information about our service and how it can support people please click on the attached link below:
Self Management – Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCIL) (lothiancil.org.uk)