Earlier on this month LCiL held an event to get the views and opinions from disabled people from Edinburgh and the Lothians on the future of the Independent Living Fund.
Here we have also set out our organisation response to the consultation which the Scottish Government have been carrying out. Read the document in full here and on Consultation Responses section of our E-library.
You can also read the service user response in full compiled here with views from disabled people using LCiL services and members of Inclusion Scotland and on Consultation Responses section of our E-Library.
LCiL has a long experience of working with users of the Fund and the ILF itself. We have seen first-hand the significant impact that access to the Fund can achieve for individuals; how efficiently and flexibly it has been managed and, through close and regular contact with ILF assessors, we have been able to work alongside them effectively for the benefit of ILF recipients. We do not want to lose these great achievements.
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