Following the success of the Ready for Winter campaigns in 2011 and 2012, this Autumn/Winter the Scottish Government is encouraging individuals, families, businesses and communities across Scotland to think ahead and be prepared for winter and all kinds of severe weather via a national communications campaign. The campaign aims to encourage each of us to think about how we could be affected, to put in place simple plans and take some straight-forward action that all together will help Scotland be more prepared should we experience extreme or prolonged winter weather, or severe weather at other times.
In the community
- In previous years severe weather left some people vulnerable. Helping each other a little, can make a big difference.
- A little planning now could save a lot of trouble later
- Communities across Scotland have already made plans to cope when severe weather strikes. See how other communities have worked together to get ready for severe weather and other emergencies at
- If you want to do play a part in making your community more prepared, more info on help and support is available at
- Identify family or neighbours who may need an extra helping hand if severe weather strikes
- Have their phone numbers to hand
- Offer to help with grocery shopping or other essential tasks
- Clear ice or snow from pathways
- There are many great opportunities to help others by volunteering with an existing organisation. Visit
- If you are part of a community group, think about what your group can do to help others during bad weather
Emergencies can happen at any time. Be prepared with an emergency plan. Get advice and guidance from Ready Scotland.