Scottish Government have just published the attached:
This confirms disabled people are much less likely to use the internet. Whist overall, 77% of adults used the internet for personal purposes:
- Two thirds (67 per cent) of adults in 15 per cent of the most deprived areas in 2012 used internet for personal purposes.
- A smaller proportion of people in older age groups used the internet (46.6 among those aged 60 or older).
- Among people with a disability and/or a long-standing illness 54 per cent stated to use the internet in 2012.
- 49 per cent of respondents living in social rented housing used the internet.
- 55.9 per cent of respondents earning lower incomes used the internet. This compares with 98 per cent of those in the highest income group (earning £40,001 or more) using the internet.