Between June 2018-March 2020, self-directed Support and the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (The ALLIANCE) are running a project called ‘My Support My Choice: user experiences of Self-directed Support in Scotland’. This project is funded by the Scottish government. ‘My Support My Choice’ will examine the lived experiences of social care users of Self-directed Support in each Local Authority across Scotland and carry out a national survey. In particular, we would like to hear about how people found the application or review process for SDS within the past 12 months, what works well/not so well in relation to the management of SDS and what forms of support are/aren’t present throughout the SDS journey.
We are looking for interviewees living in the Edinburgh area. We are looking for volunteers to spend an hour sharing their experience of applying for and managing Self-directed Support in a one-to-one, face-to-face interview. Contributions are anonymous and information shared will be kept confidential by the research team.
The venue for interviews can be somewhere local to interviewees, we are flexible. Interviews will take place on a date and time convenient for the interviewee.
For further information about the project, please contact: Dianne Theakstone, Service User Experience Research Officer on 0131 475 2625 or
There is also a national online survey available here;