Is Scotland Fairer Report

Published: October 26, 2018

The report looks at progress towards greater fairness and equality in Scotland since 2015 across 6 “domains” – education, health, justice, participation, work, and living standards.

 The report shows that there has been some progress in making Scotland fairer over the past three years.  However, serious challenges still remain, with some groups in danger of being forgotten or left behind from the progress that is being enjoyed by the rest of society.  Our evidence shines a light on society’s biggest equality and human rights challenges for the years ahead and our recommendations identify what actions need to be taken to ensure everyone has a fair chance in life. 

 Is Scotland Fairer? 2018 provides a robust and rich evidence base which can be used to inform programmes of work in order to improve equality and human rights outcomes. 

The full report is available to view by clicking on the link Is Scotland Fairer Report.



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