Grapevine News – Personal Independence Payment Updates

Published: October 31, 2013

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) announces delays to the roll out of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Glapevine Information Service

All disabled people living in Scotland who currently receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) will not be invited to claim Personal Independence Payment until after October 2015 when the full roll out will commence for all DLA claimants right across the UK. 

The DWP announced earlier in the week that all existing DLA claimants currently living in Scotland will not be reassessed under Personal Independence Payment until further notice. This includes those whose DLA award is due to expire and those who report a change in their condition. 

However, the ‘natural reassessment’ of existing DLA claimants from 28 October 2013 is still being introduced in some areas of the UK: Wales, East Anglia and the Midlands. This may be due to the fact that Grapevine has heard that the PIP assessment process is taking longer than the DWP expected.

Also, anyone in the UK who now wants to apply for DLA for the first time will instead have to make a claim for Personal Independence Payment. This has been the case since the 10th June this year.

Note: Grapevine will be producing a factsheet on the changes to the appeals systems for both DLA and PIP. 


PIP ‘20 metre rule’ will still apply in order to be eligible for enhanced rate mobility

Regarding those people applying for PIP, following a recent consultation on the PIP mobility component, the DWP has confirmed that it is not willing to make any changes to the 20 metre rule for eligibility for enhanced rate mobility. 

Despite an overwhelming response against the 20 metre rules, the DWP has concluded that: “Having considered all these factors, the Government believes that the use of 20 metres is the best way of identifying those whose physical mobility is most limited. We think it is justified to focus support in this way given the policy intent to target support on those with the greatest need and create a more financially sustainable benefit.”  This can be read in full here:


For further information on PIP:

Please contact Grapevine, the independent and specialist disability information service on 0131 475 2370 (helpline open Mon-Thu, 10am-4pm) or email:  You can also send us your online enquiry using our form here

We can answer all your questions on PIP and assist disabled people and people with long-term conditions living in Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian with their claim forms.  Don’t hesitate to get in touch should you require advice and information.

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