Good Self-Directed Support (SDS) Project focus groups

Published: July 8, 2019

The Good Self-Directed Support (SDS) project is currently looking for participants to take part in some Focus Groups about Self-directed Support. This project is a partnership involving the University of Stirling, Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL), Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL) and the National Lottery Community Fund.

It is interested in finding out what users think about their support, that is, what works and what doesn’t. We would like to see how it could promote genuine independent living and enable more disabled people’s, and carers’, lives to be full of choices, opportunities and participation. Furthermore, we want to find out how much Self-directed Support (SDS) benefits families, friends, the community and society when disabled people and carers have the right kind of support.

A Focus Group is a meeting of people during which they share thoughts with one another on topics/questions put forward by the facilitator (a person who works with the research team). Our intention is that there will be a series of five Focus Groups in total, each involving 5 to 6 people, selected at random from those who volunteer, with each participant attending only one meeting. Four of the Focus Groups will take place in different local authority areas across Scotland. A fifth Focus Group will be conducted online using ‘SKYPE’ and will be recorded. This will allow some participants who would not otherwise be able to participate to take part. The information from each Focus Group will be transcribed with all individuals anonymised (no actual names will be used).

Participation will take approximately 1 hour for each Focus Group plus travel time to the location. Participants will be provided with expenses for travel, any personal assistant, advocate and/or interpreter costs.  There is a message form on the website for people to fill in if they want to participate in the focus groups:- OR you can email the Researcher Dr Siabhainn Russell at:  Tel: 07525435361




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