Event on Disability and Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan

Published: June 19, 2023

City of Edinburgh Councillor Kayleigh O’Neill is organising two events for disabled people and organisations to share their views on the City of Edinburgh Council City Mobility Plan. Please read on to find out how you can get involved and register your interest in attending one of these sessions.

“As you may be aware The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on their City Mobility Plan which will set out a vision for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone.

I am hosting two events (one online and one in person) to make a space for disabled people and organisations to feedback on the issues most important to them.

    • Online session: Friday 30th June 11am-1pm on Microsoft Teams.
    • In person session: Friday 30th June 2pm – 5pm at Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.

These events are designed to aid understanding of and gain feedback on the suite of draft action plans covering Active Travel, Public Transport, Road Safety, Air Quality and Parking, and an emerging ‘Future Streets Framework.’

I’m sure you’ll agree that these areas need disabled people at the forefront of engagement and planning so that accessibility is not an afterthought. From these events feedback will be given to Spatial Policy officers ahead of the close of the online consultation survey which closes on 9th July.

If you’d like to be involved please RSVP to Cllr.Kayleigh.ONeill@edinburgh.gov.uk indicating which event you would like to attend and if you have any access requirements or adjustments to participate fully.

If you are able, please do share with your network to anyone who you think may be interested. I have attached the A4 poster and small social media card to this email. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out via email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Very best and hope to see you soon,


Cllr. Kayleigh O’Neill (she/her)
Green Councillor for Edinburgh Forth Ward
Email: cllr.kayleigh.oneill@edinburgh.gov.uk”

Graphic with photo of Kayleigh in top left corner. Underneath this is text that reads “Cllr. Kayleigh O’Neill. Are you based in Edinburgh and have lived experience of disability? Have your say. Disability and the City Mobility Plan. The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on their City Mobility Plan which will set out a vision for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone. Online: Friday 30th June 11am-1pm Microsoft Teams. In Person: Friday 30th June 2pm – 5pm, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG RSVP to Cllr.Kayleigh O’Neill@edinburgh.gov.uk for a space and/or to inform of any access adjustments

Poster advertising Disability and the City Mobility Plan hosted by Green Cllr. Kayleigh O’Neill. The poster also has the Edinburgh Greens logo at the top and the City of Edinburgh Council logo at the bottom Are you Edinburgh based and have lived experience of disability? Do you want to have your say in how the Council makes changes to our street spaces and how we move around? The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on their City Mobility Plan which will set out a vision for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone. Online: Friday 30th June 11am - 1pm. RSVP to Cllr.Kayleigh.ONeill@edinburgh.gov.uk for email address and/or to inform of any access adjustments In Person: Friday 30th June 2pm - 5pm. Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG. RSVP to Cllr.Kayleigh.ONeill@edinburgh.gov.uk for a space and/or to inform of any access adjustments

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