A Members Debate on End Care Charges Motion has been tabled by Johann Lamont MSP.
This will take place on Tuesday 6th of December at 5pm. The motion has now been signed by 11 MSPs from most parties. This debate could really help in getting movement from the Scottish Government in ending this punitive tax.
We want to make a big success of this and, on the day, it would be great to have a full turnout in the gallery for the debate. Johann has booked a reception room for everyone to have a cup of tea and to meet MSPs. Usually the Minister (Shona Robison) turns up in these situation so if you would like to speak to her this is the place to be!
You can book tickets for the 4pm to 6pm slot on the day at:
The full motion is Care Tax in Scotland
That the Parliament:
- considers that disabled people and people with long-term conditions such as dementia and motor neuron disease in Glasgow and throughout Scotland are increasingly paying more for social care services;
- understands that campaign groups, including Scotland Against the Care Tax, and Frank’s Law, are concerned about the effects of this charging;
- considers that social care is essential to enabling them to enjoy their human rights;
- further considers that the current local authority charging regimes may be discriminatory in applying different rules to people of different ages without sufficient objective justification,
- and notes the calls to explore ways of making social care charging fairer with a view to ending the practice altogether.