Calling all Personal Assistants!

Published: April 25, 2023

We need your help to understand more about the Personal Assistant workforce in Scotland.

The Scottish Personal Assistant Workforce Survey was carried out for the first time last year, and is being repeated in 2023 to see what has changed.

If you completed the survey last year, it’s really important you do it again this year – we want to understand what might have changed for you.

If you didn’t do it last time, we still really want to hear from you, so please take time to do the survey this year – we want to hear from as many PAs as possible.

If you’re a PA Employer, we need your help to reach as many PAs as possible. Please share this information with your Personal Assistant(s) and ask them to complete the survey before the deadline at the end of April.

The results of the survey are used to inform the work of the PA Programme Board which brings together Scottish Government with PAs, Employers, and organisations working in Self Directed Support to recognise and develop the PA workforce.

  • As a thank you for taking part, you’ll have the chance to enter a prize draw to win one of five £50 Love2Shop vouchers.
  • The survey is anonymous and takes around 10 minutes to complete
  • You can complete the survey online on any device
  • If you prefer, you can call our helpline to complete the survey over the phone. Just call 0800 8411 321, lines are open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
    Survey closes midnight on Sunday 30th April!

Take the survey:



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