2013-2014 was another great year for LCiL.
The year before embracing the Social Care (self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act, we embraced new opportunities to work differently with local authorities and to engage positively with other statutory and non-statutory organisations.
Through the co-ordination of LCiL services and projects – all working toward clear goals – staff and volunteers went out to tell people about the coming changes whilst continuing to work with colleagues in other organisations to shape SDS.
2013-2014 also saw the formation of our LCiL Champions. In this Annual Report you can read about some of their achievements, as well as quotes from some of our service users.
Join on us Friday 27th of March 2015 for our Annual General Meeting at the Norton Park Centre to help celebrate with us with tea/coffee and cakes and be part of a key date in our annual calendar!
Click here for more about the AGM or call us at 0131 475 2350 to book a place.