Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living is delighted to announce that our self-directed Support (SDS) Programme will continue to be funded by Support in the Right Direction from October 2018 to March 2021. We were joined by Scottish Government officials last week who were able to announce this exciting news with a range of LCiL service users present.
Support in the Right Direction is to ensure that more people across Scotland who require social care are engaged, informed, included and empowered to make choices about their support.
This will include continuing to deliver a range of workshops, peer support groups and our champions programme for people with lived experience. The funding will mean we can support many more disabled people, people with long-term conditions, older people and parent carers of disabled children to make informed decisions and plans for their future.
You can find out more about the Capacity Building Programme in our Peer Support section of our website here.
If you are interested in getting involved in a peer support group, capacity-building workshops or the champions programme then please let us know by contacting Lisa Milburn, SDS Administrator, on 0131-475-2350 or e-mail lisa.milburn@lothiancil.org.uk
Our website will have the latest updates on news and events as they are announced.
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