The future of the Independent Living Fund

Published: September 11, 2019

ILF Scotland is now over four years old, and once again it is time to think about the future of the Independent Living Fund.  What role should ILF Scotland play in the coming years in relation to independent living and social care support for disabled people?  Where does ILF Scotland, as a national organisation focused on independent living, fit within the context of self-directed Support and wider adult social care reform?  What about our new Transition Fund?

ILF Scotland wants your help to develop their strategy for 2020 to 2023, and would welcome your thoughts.  Please could you take a little bit of time to complete this short online survey?

The survey is only six questions long, and is completely anonymous.  ILF Scotland want as many people as possible to complete the survey and help influence what ILF Scotland prioritises over the coming years.

Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Note the deadline for responses is 10th October 2019.

Note also that ILF Scotland have two remaining engagement events in Scotland.  The Glasgow event is now fully booked, however there are still places at the Dundee event on 26th September – details here:


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