Closing date 5 August 2024.
46 year old female-bodied person seeks part-time personal assistants in Slateford area.
Flexible hours, up to 16 hours per week. £12.32 per hour. Funded though self-directed support.
Main duties include cooking, light cleaning, laundry and assistance with typing and online access. Minimal intimate care required.
Essential qualities include reliability and trustworthiness.
Person open to carers of all genders and levels of experience.
Person has Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and cPTSD, is a smoker and has a very cute little dog.
How to apply
To apply please obtain and application form. An application pack for PA vacancy SR GI can be downloaded by clicking here.
Alternatively email or call 24 hour recruitment line on 0131 475 2558. Quote Job Ref: SR GI and give your name and postal or email address.