Personal Independence Payment – A consultation event

Published: July 24, 2014

PIP started to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in April 2013. For many people affected it has been a stressful and worrying time.

The first Independent Review of PIP has now been launched by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).  The first stage of the review is to gather evidence from people who have been affected by PIP.

Grapevine in partnership with the National Disabled Peoples network Inclusion Scotland want to give people the opportunity to feed their views and experiences into this process at a consultation event taking place on Tuesday 19th of August, 10.30am-3-00pm at the Norton Park Conference Centre in Edinburgh.

This is a really important time and you can make a difference for others as someone who has been affected by PIP.  The evidence gathered during this consultation will be presented to Parliament and will affect the national roll out of PIP which is due to take place next year for everyone living in the UK who currently receiving Disability Living Allowance.

The event will be held in an informal and confidential setting and will be facilitated by Inclusion Scotland and Grapevine.  Please let us know if you intend to come or not by calling Grapevine on 0131 475 2370 or email: to book your place.  Lunch will be provided so please let us know if you have any access or dietary requirements.  Travel expenses can be covered if arranged in advance so please contact Kirstie at Grapevine on the details above or use the mainline office number for LCiL on 0131 475 2350.

Please see the event poster for further information.

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